Landscape Services

Landscaping Pricing and Information
We provide a full service landscaping a crew that brings your landscaping needs, wants and desires to life. We have the ability and knowledge to install new landscape design plans, maintain and update existing landscapes, as well as other exterior household needs including:
The price of these services is dependant upon the type and size of the job to be completed. Bring in or email pictures of your landscape needs and a landscape design plan can be drawn up within a few days. If we need to come out to your house to view the landscape, a fee will be charged and then taken off of your final bill upon job completion. No payment for a plan until job is completed and you are satisfied, unless another arrangement is made!
Spreading of mulch runs $90.00 per yard with a 5 yard minimum within 5 miles of the nursery! *If cedar is chosen, this price increases. This price DOES NOT include any cleaning of beds, spading, weeding nor edging. Just bringing the mulch and spreading it.
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